Post-PCI FFR Values and Post-PCI IVUS Findings – 2-Year FFR REACT Results

This study examines the influence of post-PCI intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) evaluation on operator strategy. The objective is to evaluate the effects of additional optimization in patients with low post-PCI FFR values. The trial indicates that performing additional optimization techniques improves post-PCI FFR in patients with FFR < 0.90. The FFR REACT trial utilized IVUS guidance to optimize PCI in patients with low post-PCI FFR values.


Background: Additional optimization in patients with low post-PCI FFR significantly improves post-PCI FFR values. In the FFR REACT trial, we used IVUS to guide PCI optimization in patients with post-PCI FFR < 0.90.

Aims: To assess the impact of post-PCI FFR pullback data and post-PCI IVUS findings on operator strategy.

IVUS evaluation changed treatment strategy in 53.1% of vessels (76/143, p<0.001)


Note: See full resource above for complete citations and references.

FFR-Guided PCI Optimization Direct by IVUS – 2-Year FFR REACT Results

The objective of this study was to examine the impact of IVUS-guided post-PCI optimization on the occurrence of target vessel failure (TVF) at a 2-year follow-up, in comparison to standard of care. The study was conducted after the FFR React trial, where intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) was utilized to guide PCI optimization in patients with post-PCI FFR <0.90. The results demonstrated that IVUS-guided optimization significantly improved post-PCI FFR and post-PCI IVUS parameter values. Although there was a trend towards lower rates of TVF, TVMI (target vessel myocardial infarction), and TVR (target vessel revascularization) favoring the IVUS-guided optimization group, these findings did not reach statistical significance.

Background: In the FFR REACT trial, IVUS-guided PCI optimization in patients with post-PCI FFR <0.90 significantly improved post-PCI FFR and post-PCI IVUS parameters. IVUS-guided PCI optimization in patients with post-PCI FFR <0.90 did not reduce target vessel failure (TVF) as compared to standard of care.

Aims: To investigate whether IVUS-guided post-PCI optimization in patients with post-PCI FFR <.90 as compared to standard of care reduces TVF at 2-year follow-up.

IVUS-guided PCI optimization in patients with post-PCI FFR <.90 did not significantly reduce TVF at 2-year follow-up as compared to standard of care.


Note: See full resource above for complete citations and references.

Ultra-Low Contrast Imaging and PCI

Dr. Ziad A. Ali, Interventional Cardiologist at Saint Francis Hospital and Heart Center, emphasizes the significance of reducing contrast exposure and utilizing the least nephrotoxic contrast agents in angiography and percutaneous coronary intervention, particularly in patients with pre-existing chronic kidney disease. By implementing intravenous volume hydration, ensuring appropriate catheter engagement, and limiting contrast injection volume, the risk of acute kidney injury (CA-AKI) can be mitigated. The ACIST CVi® Contrast Delivery System addresses these concerns by offering controlled volume and rise settings, as well as the ability to record injection volume for documentation purposes. During cardiovascular intervention other physiology and imaging devices (IVUS) are often used as well. The ACIST HDi® HD IVUS System with enhanced imaging modes provides a better defined IVUS image for preprocedural planning and post procedural assessment. The ACIST RXi® Rapid Exchange FFR System along with the ACIST Navvus® II MicroCatheter give you the freedom to quickly and easily assess Fractional Flow Reserve (FFR) and dPR (diastolic Pressure Ration) using you 0.014” guidewire of choice. Continue reading to learn more.


Note: See full resource above for complete citations and references.

Pre-and Post-PCI Physiological Assessment with Dr. Arnold Seto

Dr. Arnold Seto, Chief of Cardiology Long Beach VA Medical Center, discusses the advancements in pressure sensor wires and catheter technologies. Specifically, he highlights the enhancements made to the ACIST Navvus II® Rapid Exchange FFR MicroCatheter compared to its predecessor, Navvus®. The Navvus II® microcatheter provides several advantages over conventional FFR pressure wire technology, including the flexibility to select a guidewire of your preference.


“There have been multiple improvements in the Navvus® Catheter, which have a smoother entry profile and improved flexibility by reducing the size of the measurement segment.” – Dr. Seto


Note: See full resource above for complete citations and references.

RXi Instruction Videos Playlist

In this informative video, product specialist Guy Nothem introduces the RXi® Rapid Exchange FFR System. The RXi® system, combined with the Navvus® Rapid Exchange Micr0Catheter, employs a cutting-edge fiber optic transducer to ensure precise FFR measurements. Notably, interventional cardiologists can utilize their preferred 0.014″ wire while maintaining optimal wire position within the coronary artery throughout the procedure. The Navvus® MicroCatheter boasts several key characteristics, including an entry profile of just 0.016″, a tapered tip for smooth transition through any coronary disease. The plug-and-play monitor is effortlessly set up by plugging it in and zeroing it once initially. It displays essential patient information such as Pa (proximal pressure), PD (distal pressure), Pd/Pa, FFR (Fractional Flow Reserve), case summary, and much more. A standout feature of the RXi® system is its ability to easily input PV, setting it apart from other FFR systems. Watch the video to delve into comprehensive insights about the RXi® Rapid Exchange FFR System, including its components, applications, and setup procedure.


“The fiber optic transducer is positioned just five mm from the tip of the catheter which is our competitive advantage. Pressure wires have a transducer set back 30mm from the tip which requires much more real estate to get their transducer beyond a coronary stenosis. The Navvus® has a 26 cm monorail segment which is similar to most angioplasty balloon systems. The Navvus® has two femeroal markers. One at 80 and one at 100 cm.” – Guy Nothem


Note: See full resource above for complete citations and references.

FFR-Guided PCI Optimization Directed by High-Definition IVUS – EuroPCR 2021

From Euro PCR Dr. Joost Daemen, an international cardiologist at Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, discusses the concept of post PCI FFR guided by IVUS.

“By using IVUS to assess post-PCI results we were able to optimize the procedure in 80% of the cases. By adding either additional stents, in 30% of the cases, or doing additional optimization of the previously implanted stent in 1/3 patients” – Dr. Joost Daeman

In the trial there was only one periprocedural complication which was a minor dissection that was resolved with an additional stent. Dr. Joost and his colleagues concluded that post-PCI optimization is a safe maneuver/procedure when directed by IVUS.


Design: Prospective, single center, randomized controlled trial

Objective: to evaluate if FR guided PCi optimization detected by HD-IVUS in patients with post-PCI FFR < .90 will improve clinical outcome

Primary endpoint: target vessel failure at 1 year

Current status: 82% inclusion


Note: See full resource above for complete citations and references.

Why Imaging and Physiology Improve Outcomes – Dr Joost Daemen

[transcript] [vertaling]

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en fysiologie in het bijzonder in de guy

duits nog verder zullen versterken

ACIST FFR Search Information Sheet

FFR-Search is an extensive study investigating the relationship between post-PCI FFR values and clinical outcomes within a real-world patient population. The study employs the ACIST Navvus® Rapid Exchange FFR MicroCatheter, known for its deliverability and crossability. Additionally, this innovative device empowers users with the freedom to select their preferred guidewire, for swift and precise FFR measurements. The study concluded that lower post-PCI values are linked to increased MACE rates at one year. Continue reading to see more results from the study.


“The preliminary data from FFR-Search has the potential to significantly expand this technology’s role in the cath lab in the future, which is why we’re eager to see the important results of the primary endpoint in two years”

FFR-Search Co-PI Dr. Nicolas M. Van Mieghem, MD, PhD, FESC, Director of Interventional Cardiology at Thoraxcenter, Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam, Netherlands


Note: See full resource above for complete citations and references.

RXi dPR Sheet

The ACIST RXi® Rapid Exchange System offers the ACIST diastolic pressure ratio (dpr) as a non-hyperemic solution for physiological assessment of coronary disease. This approach has the potential to decrease patient discomfort, lower costs, and reduce procedure time. Utilizing the Navvus®II Rapid Exchange FFR MicroCatheter, the ACIST RXi® System serves as an alternative to conventional pressure wires. It allows physicians to employ their preferred 0.014″ guidewire for dependable assessment of coronary physiology. Read on for an examination of the ACIST FFR Study.


Purpose: The data collected during the ACIST-FFR clinical study was retrospectively assessed by an independent, physiologic core laboratory to support ACIST’s dPR algorithm on the ACIST RXi System

Key points:

  • ACIST dPR is highly correlated with iFRcalc
  • ACIST dPR provides similar diagnostic accuracy as iFRcalc


Note: See full resource above for complete citations and references.


Introducing the groundbreaking Navvus II® Rapid Exchange Pressure MicroCatheter, designed for evaluating coronary and peripheral physiology. This tool aids in the assessment of whether additional physiological intervention is required. It can be utilized with both hyperemic and non-hyperimic physiological assessments. After extensive testing, the ACIST team has found that Navvus II® facilitates navigation and enhances performance in various clinical cases. Navvus®II may provide consistent and accurate performance when faced with a wide variety of common clinical case challenges. Moreover, it offers the convenience of utilizing a 0.014″ guidewire throughout the procedure. For further insights, we invite you to watch the accompanying video to delve deeper into its capabilities.


Note: See full resource above for complete citations and references.


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